Interface Summary | |
Aggregation | An Aggregation aggregates a set of values into one value. |
Field | The definition of a field in a Type . |
Project.Flags | |
Type | The type of a scalar expression or a row returned from a relational expression. |
TypeFactory | Creates types. |
TypeFactory.FieldInfo | Callback which provides enough information to create fields. |
Class Summary | |
AggInternalTranslator | Converts expressions to consist only of constants, references to group by expressions (variables called "$group0", etc.), and calls to aggregate functions (variables called "$agg0", etc.). |
Aggregate | Aggregate is a relational operator which eliminates duplicates
and computes totals. |
Aggregate.Call | |
Aggregate.ConvertToJavaRule | |
AggUnpickler | Converts references to group items and aggregates (created by AggInternalTranslator ) into more conventional field accesses. |
Correlator | A Correlator behaves like a kind of Join , but works by
setting variables in its environment and restarting its right-hand input. |
DeferredLookup | Contains the information necessary to repeat a call to
QueryInfo.lookup(int,Rel[],boolean,String) . |
Distinct | Distinct is a Rel which eliminates duplicates from its
input. |
Distinct.ConvertDistinctToJavaRule | |
DistinctToExistsRule | Rule to translate a JavaDistinct into a JavaExists , provided that the select list contains zero
columns. |
ExpressionReader | An ExpressionReader is a relational expression node which
evaluates an expression and returns the results as a relation. |
ExtenderAggregation | ExtenderAggregation is an aggregation which works by
instantiating a user-defined aggregation (AggregationExtender ), as opposed to generating custom code. |
Filter | A Filter is a relational expression which iterates over its
input, and returns elements for which condition evaluates to
true . |
Filter.ConvertToJavaRule | |
Filter.ConvertToPlanRule | |
InternalTranslator | Converts an expression into one which references only internal variables. |
Intersect | todo: |
Join | A Join represents two relational expressions joined according to some condition. |
Join.ConvertToJavaRule | |
Join.ConvertToPlanRule | |
Join.JoinType | Values are as JoinExpression.getJoinTypeCode(java.lang.String) . |
Minus | todo: |
OneRow | OneRow always returns one row, zero columns. |
OneRow.OneRowToJavaRule | Converts a OneRow to
Java calling convention . |
Project | Project is a relational expression which computes a set of
'select expressions' from its input relational expression. |
Project.ConvertToJavaRule | Converts a Project to
Java calling convention . |
Project.ConvertToPlanRule | Converts a Project to
plan calling convention . |
QueryInfo | A QueryInfo holds all the information about a QueryExpression while it is being translated into a collection of
Rel s. |
Rel | A Rel is a relational expression. |
Rel.PlanImplementor | |
RemoveDistinctRule | Rule to remove a Distinct if the underlying relational expression is
already distinct. |
RemoveTrivialProjectRule | Rule which, given a Project node which merely returns its input,
converts the node into its child. |
SaffronQueryExpander | SaffronQueryExpander passes over a parse tree, and converts
relational expressions into regular Java constructs. |
SingleRel | A SingleRel is a base class single-input relational
expressions. |
SubqueryFinder | |
SwapJoinRule | SwapJoinRule permutes the inputs to a join. |
TableAccess | A TableAccess reads all the rows from a Table . |
TableAccess.ConvertToJavaRule | Rule to converts a TableAccess to
Java calling convention . |
TypeFactoryImpl | Implementation of TypeFactory . |
TypeFactoryImpl.FieldImpl | Simple implementation of Field |
Union | Union returns the union of the rows of its inputs, optionally
eliminating duplicates. |
Union.ConvertToIteratorRule | Rule to converts a Union to
iterator calling convention . |
Union.ConvertToJavaRule | Rule to converts a Union to
Java calling convention . |
UnionToDistinctRule | UnionToDistinctRule translates a distinct Union
(all = false ) into a Distinct on top
of a non-distinct Union (all = true ). |
Exception Summary | |
NotAGroupException | NotAGroupException is thrown by AggInternalTranslator if it encounters a reference to a variable from
the query's from clause. |
Defines Saffron relational expressions.
Revision | $Id: //open/saffron/src/main/saffron/rel/package.html#2 $ |
Copyright | Copyright (C) 2003-2003 Julian Hyde |
Author | Julian Hyde |
is an object model for SQL expressions openjava.ptree
defines an object model for Java expressions.SqlToOpenjavaConverter
converts SQL expressions
to Java expressions (including extensions such as QueryExpression
converts a Java expression
to a relational expression
. saffron.opt
provides an