Interface Summary | |
Cost | todo: |
Implementor.Bind | |
Implementor.VariableInitializerThunk | A VariableInitializerThunk yields a VariableInitializer . |
Class Summary | |
AbstractConverter | Converts a relational expression to any given output convention. |
AbstractConverter.ExpandConversionRule | Rule which converts an AbstractConverter into a chain of
converters from the source relation to the target calling convention. |
CallingConvention | CallingConvention enumerates allowable calling conventions. |
Cluster | A Cluster is a collection of Rel ational expressions
which have the same environment. |
Implementor | Implementor deals with the nastiness of converting a tree of
relational expressions into an implementation, generally an openjava parse tree . |
Implementor.EagerBind | |
Implementor.Frame | |
Implementor.LazyBind | |
Implementor.Translator | Translator is a shuttle used to implement
Implementor.translate(Rel,Expression) . |
Operand | An Operand determines whether a Rule can be
applied to a particular expression. |
Query | A Query represents a set of Rel s which come from the
same select statement. |
RelSet | A RelSet is an equivalence-set of expressions; that is, a set
of expressions which have identical semantics. |
RelSubset | A RelSubset is set of expressions in a set which have the same
calling convention. |
Rule | A Rule transforms an expression into another. |
RuleCall | A RuleCall is an invocation of a Rule with a
set of relational expression s as arguments. |
RuleMatch | A match of a rule to a particular set of target relational expressions, frozen in time. |
RuleQueue | Priority queue of relexps whose rules have not been called, and rule-matches which have not yet been acted upon. |
VisitorRelVisitor | Walks over a tree of Rel s, walking a ParseTreeVisitor
over every expression in that tree. |
VolcanoCost | VolcanoCost represents the cost of a plan node. |
VolcanoPlanner | VolcanoPlanner optimizes queries by transforming expressions selectively according to a dynamic programming algorithm. |
VolcanoPlanner.DeferringRuleCall | A rule call which defers its actions. |
Optimizes Saffron relational expressions.
Revision | $Id: //open/saffron/src/main/saffron/opt/package.html#2 $ |
Copyright | Copyright (C) 2003-2003 Julian Hyde |
Author | Julian Hyde |
A planner (also known as an optimizer) finds the most
efficient implementation of a relational expression
Interface Planner
defines a planner, and class VolcanoPlanner
is an implementation which uses a dynamic
programming technique. It is based upon the Volcano optimizer [1].
Interface Cost
defines a cost model; class VolcanoCost
is the implementation for a VolcanoPlanner
A RelSet
is a set of equivalent relational expressions.
They are equivalent because they will produce the same result for any set of
input data. It is an equivalence class: two expressions are in the same set if
and only if they are in the same RelSet
One of the unique features of the Saffron optimizer is expressions can use a
variety of protocols to receive and transmit data. A CallingConvention
defines such a protocol; every relational
expression has a single calling convention by which it returns its results. Some
is a fairly conventional
calling convention; the results are rows from a JDBC
result set
means that a relational
expression cannot be implemented; typically there are rules which can
transform it to equivalent, implementable expressions.CallingConvention.JAVA
implements the expression by
generating Java code. The code places the current row in a Java variable, then
calls the piece of code which implements the consuming relational expression.
For example, a Java array reader of the names
array would
generate the following code:String[] names; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { String name = names[i]; // ... code for consuming relational expression ... }
A RelSubset
is a subset of a RelSet
containing expressions which are equivalent and which have the same
. Like RelSet
, it is an equivalence class.
defines relational expressions
defines an object model for Java expressions....
Sets merge when the result of a rule already exists in another set. This implies that all of the expressions are equivalent. The RelSets are merged, and so are the contained RelSubsets.
Expression registration.
To optimize a relational expression R:
1. Register R.
2. Create rule-calls for all applicable rules.
3. Rank the rule calls by importance.
4. Call the most important rule
5. Repeat.
Importance. A rule-call is important if it is likely to produce better implementation of a relexp on the plan's critical path. Hence (a) it produces a member of an important RelSubset, (b) its children are cheap.
Conversion. Conversions are difficult because we have to work backwards from the goal.
Rule triggering
The rules are:
. Operands:Filter Project
. Operands:Project Project
A rule can be triggered by a change to any of its operands. Consider the rule to combine two filters into one. It would have operands [Filter [Filter]]. If I register a new Filter, it will trigger the rule in 2 places. Consider:
Project (deptno) [exp 1, subset A] Filter (gender='F') [exp 2, subset B] Project (deptno, gender, empno) [exp 3, subset C] Project (deptno, gender, empno, salary) [exp 4, subset D] TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]
Apply PushFilterThroughProjectRule
to [exp 2, exp 3]:
Project (deptno) [exp 1, subset A] Project (deptno, gender, empno) [exp 5, subset B] Filter (gender='F') [exp 6, subset E] Project (deptno, gender, empno, salary) [exp 4, subset D] TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]
Two new expressions are created. Expression 5 is in subset B (because it is equivalent to expression 2), and expression 6 is in a new equivalence class, subset E.
The products of a applying a rule can trigger a cascade of rules. Even in this simple system (2 rules and 4 initial expressions), two more rules are triggered:
(exp 1, exp 5),
which createsProject (deptno) [exp 7, subset A] Filter (gender='F') [exp 6, subset E] Project (deptno, gender, empno, salary) [exp 4, subset D] TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]
6, exp 4), which createsProject (deptno) [exp 1, subset A] Project (deptno, gender, empno) [exp 5, subset B] Project (deptno, gender, empno, salary) [exp 8, subset E] Filter (gender='F') [exp 9, subset F] TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]
Each rule application adds additional members to existing subsets. The
non-singleton subsets are now A {1, 7}, B {2, 5} and E {6, 8}, and new
combinations are possible. For example, CombineProjectsRule
(exp 7,
exp 8) further reduces the depth of the tree to:
Project (deptno) [exp 10, subset A] Filter (gender='F') [exp 9, subset F] TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]
Todo: show how rules can cause subsets to merge.