Interface Summary | |
Expression | The Expression interface presents common interface to access Expression node of parse tree. |
MemberDeclaration | The MemberDeclaration interface types ptree-node into the member declaration in the body of class. |
ParseTree | The ParseTree class presents for the node of parse tree. |
Statement | The Statement class presents common statement interface
of parse tree. |
VariableInitializer | The VariableInitializer class presents common interfaces to several initializer format interface VariableInitializer is implemented by Expression ArrayInitializer |
Class Summary | |
AliasedExpression | |
AllocationExpression | The AllocationExpression class represents
an expression which allocates a new object with its constructor. |
ArrayAccess | The ArrayAccess represents
an array access. |
ArrayAllocationExpression | The ArrayAllocationExpression class represents
an expression which allocates a new array object. |
ArrayInitializer | The ArrayInitializer class presents initializer list of array elements. |
AssignmentExpression | The AssignmentExpression class represents
an assignment expression with an assignment operator. |
BinaryExpression | The BinaryExpression class represents
an expression which consists of an operators and two operands. |
Block | The Block class represents a node of parse tree of block statement. |
BreakStatement | The BreakStatement class represents
a break statement node of parse tree. |
CaseGroup | |
CaseGroupList | The CaseGroupList class presents for the node of parse tree of CaseGroup |
CaseLabel | The CaseLabel class presents for the ptree-node like "case 1 :" |
CaseLabelList | The CaseLabelList class presents for the node of parse tree of CaseLabel |
CastExpression | The CastExpression class represents
a cast expression of parse tree. |
CatchBlock | The CatchBlock class presents catch node of parse tree |
CatchList | The CatchList class presents for the node of parse tree of CatchBlock |
ClassDeclaration | The ClassDeclaration class presents class declaration node of parse tree. |
ClassDeclarationList | The ClassDeclarationList class presents for the node of parse tree of ClassDeclaration |
ClassLiteral | The ClassLiteral class represents
an expression as a object of Class class,
which is suppoted since JDK 1.1. |
CompilationUnit | The CompilationUnit class presents for the whole parse tree in a file. |
ConditionalExpression | The ConditionalExpression class represents
a conditional expression. |
ConstructorDeclaration | The ConstructorDeclaration class represents
constructor declaration node of the parse tree. |
ConstructorInvocation | The ConstructorInvocation class presents expression statement node of parse tree |
ContinueStatement | The ContinueStatement class represents
a continue statement node of parse tree. |
DoWhileStatement | The DoWhileStatement class represents a do-while
statement node of parse tree. |
EmptyStatement | The EmptyStatement class represents an empty statement node of parse tree. |
ExpressionList | The ExpressionList class presents for the node of parse tree of Expression |
ExpressionObject | Abstract implementation of Expression . |
ExpressionStatement | The ExpressionStatement class presents expression statement node of parse tree |
FieldAccess | The FieldAccess class represents
a field access. |
FieldDeclaration | The FieldDeclaration class presents for node of parse tree. |
ForStatement | The ForStatement class represents a for statement
node of parse tree. |
IfStatement | The IfStatement class represents a if statement node
of parse tree |
InsertExpression | |
InstanceofExpression | The InstanceofExpression represents a call to the
instanceof operator. |
JoinExpression | JoinExpression is a pair of joined relational expressions appearing in the
from clause of a QueryExpression . |
LabeledStatement | The LabeledStatement class presents labeled statement node of parse tree |
Leaf | The Leaf class is a token-node in the parse tree of OpenJava. |
List | The List class presents for the list of parse trees. |
Literal | The Literal class represents
a literal. |
MemberDeclarationList | The MemberDeclarationList class presents for the node of parse tree of MemberDeclaration |
MemberInitializer | The InstanceInitilizer class represents instance initializer block of parse tree. |
MethodCall | The MethodCall class represents
a method call expression. |
MethodDeclaration | The MethodDeclaration class presents method declaration node of parse tree. |
ModifierList | The ModifierList class presents for the node of parse tree of qualified name. |
NonLeaf | The NonLeaf class presents for node of parse tree. |
ObjectList | The ObjectList class presents for the node of parse tree
of Objects |
Parameter | The Parameter class represents parameter node of parse tree. |
ParameterList | The ParameterList class presents for the node of parse tree of Parameter |
ParseTreeObject | The ParseTree class presents for the node of parse tree. |
QueryExpression | QueryExpression is a Saffron extension to Java syntax
which represents a SQL-like relational expression. |
ReturnStatement | The ReturnStatement class represents
a return statement node of parse tree. |
SelfAccess | The class SelfAccess represents an access to this
object. |
SetExpression | A SetExpression is an expression which consists of a set of
rows. |
StatementList | The StatementList class presents for the node of parse tree of Statement |
SwitchStatement | The SwitchStatement class represents switch statement node
of parse tree. |
SynchronizedStatement | The SynchronizedStatement class represents
a synchronized statement node of parse tree. |
TableReference | TableReference specialized FieldAccess to hold information about the table being accessed. |
ThrowStatement | The ThrowStatement class represents
a throw statement node of parse tree. |
TryStatement | The TryStatement class represents
a try statement node of parse tree. |
TypeName | The TypeName class represents a type specifier
node of parse tree. |
UnaryExpression | The UnaryExpression class presents for an expression which
consists of unary operator with one Expression. |
Variable | The Variable class represents a type specifier
node of parse tree. |
VariableDeclaration | The VariableDeclaration class presents local variable declaration statement node of parse tree. |
VariableDeclarator | The VariableDeclarator class presents variable declarator node of parse tree |
WhileStatement | The WhileStatement class presents while statement node of parse tree |
Exception Summary | |
ParseTreeException |
Defines an object model for the Java language.