Interface Summary | |
ParseTreeAction | A ParseTreeAction is called when a ParseTreePattern
finds a match. |
ParseTreePattern | A ParseTreePattern represents an expression with holes in it. |
Class Summary | |
ClassLiteralReplacer | Replaces occurrences of foo.Bar.class with
Class.forName("foo.Bar") . |
ClassMap | A ClassMap is ... |
EvaluationShuttle | The class EvaluationShuttle is a Visitor role
in the Visitor pattern and this also visits each child
ParseTree object from left to right. |
ExpansionApplier | The class ExpansionApplier is an evaluator of each
objects of ParseTree family. |
GenericVisitor | The class GenericVisitor is a Visitor role in the Visitor
pattern and visits ParseTree objects as the role of Element. |
HashableArray | HashableArray provides a Object[] with a HashableArray.hashCode() and an HashableArray.equals(java.lang.Object) function, so it can be used as a key in a
Hashtable . |
MemberAccessCorrector | Replaces variable references with member references, if the identifier resolves to a member in the current scope. |
ParseTreeVisitor | The class ParseTreeVisitor is a Visitor role
in the Visitor pattern and visits ParseTree objects
as the role of Element. |
PartialParser | The PartialParser class is
an utilty class to make ptree objects from string. |
QueryExpander | QueryExpander is a ParseTreeVisitor which, as it passes
over a parse tree, converts QueryExpression s into regular java
constructs. |
SaffronExpansionApplier | SaffronExpansionApplier performs the same expansions as its
base class ExpansionApplier , plus it expands references to objects
of type SaffronSchema and converts queries into regular Java code. |
ScopeHandler | Refinement of EvaluationShuttle which automatically pushes and
pops the current scope. |
SourceCodeWriter | The class SourceCodeWriter is a Visitor role
in the Visitor pattern and this also visits each child
ParseTree object from left to right. |
SyntheticClass | A SyntheticClass is a class declaration for
intermediate results in saffron expressions. |
TypeNameQualifier | The class TypeNameQualifier is a utility class
to be usede for making a copy of ptree work well without import
statements. |
VariableBinder | Extension to ScopeHandler which adds variables to the current
environment as their declarations are enountered. |