Interface Summary | |
EnumeratedValues.Value | A Value represents a member of an enumerated type. |
MethodCallTestCase.Dispatcher | A class implementing Dispatcher calls a method from within
its own security context. |
Walkable | Objects which can be tree-walked by Walker (@see Walker). |
Class Summary | |
BarfingInvocationHandler | A class derived from BarfingInvocationHandler handles a
method call by looking for a method in itself with identical parameters. |
BinaryHeap | A BinaryHeap is a heap implementation of a priority queue. |
BinaryHeap.BinaryHeapTestCase | |
ClassCollector | ClassCollector walks over an expression tree, calling Expression.getType(openjava.mop.Environment) and Expression.getRowType(openjava.mop.Environment) on each node, and forming a set of
distinct types. |
DelegatingInvocationHandler | A class derived from DelegatingInvocationHandler handles a
method call by looking for a method in itself with identical parameters. |
EnumeratedValues | EnumeratedValues is a helper class for declaring a set of
symbolic constants which have names, ordinals, and possibly descriptions. |
EnumeratedValues.BasicValue | BasicValue is an obvious implementation of
EnumeratedValues.Value . |
Graph | A Graph is a collection of directed arcs between nodes, and
supports various graph-theoretic operations. |
Graph.Arc | An Arc is a directed link between two nodes. |
Graph.GraphTest | |
MethodCallTestCase | A MethodCallTestCase is a TestCase which invokes a
method on an object. |
MultiMap | Map which contains more than one value per key. |
MultiMap.ValueList | Holder class, ensures that user's values are never interpreted as multiple values. |
RelEnvironment | RelEnvironment defines the set of variables available to a
relational expression . |
RelVisitor | A RelVisitor is a Visitor role in the Visitor pattern and
visits Rel objects as the role of Element. |
SaffronProperties | SaffronProperties provides an environment for debugging
information, et cetera, used by saffron. |
SaffronResource | todo: |
SaffronSchemaExpander | Replaces references to the virtual members of Schema
expressions. |
SaffronValidator | SaffronValidator makes sure that an expression is valid. |
SqlToOpenjavaConverter | A SqlToOpenjavaConverter converts a tree of
SqlNode s a ParseTree tree. |
SqlToOpenjavaConverter.SchemaCatalogReader | A SchemaCatalogReader looks up catalog information from
a saffron schema object . |
SqlToOpenjavaConverter.TestContext | |
UnboundVariableCollector | |
Util | Miscellaneous utility functions. |
Util.RelHolder | |
Util.UtilTestCase | |
Util.VariableSetVisitor | |
Util.VariableUsedVisitor | |
Walker | Walks over a tree, returning nodes in prefix order. |
Walker.Region |