Class BuiltinAggregation.Sum

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

static class BuiltinAggregation.Sum
extends BuiltinAggregation

Sum is an aggregator which returns the sum of the values which go into it. It has precisely one argument of numeric type (int, long, float, double), and the result is the same type.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class saffron.BuiltinAggregation
BuiltinAggregation.Count, BuiltinAggregation.MinMax, BuiltinAggregation.Sum
Field Summary
private  OJClass type
Constructor Summary
(package private) BuiltinAggregation.Sum(OJClass type)
Method Summary
 boolean canMerge()
          Whether this aggregation can merge together two accumulators.
(package private)  String getName()
 OJClass[] getParameterTypes()
 OJClass getReturnType()
 OJClass[] getStartParameterTypes()
 void implementNext(Implementor implementor, Rel rel, Expression accumulator, int[] args)
          Generates (into the current statement list, gleaned by calling implementor's Implementor.getStatementList() method) the piece of code which gets called each time an extra row is seen.
 Expression implementResult(Expression accumulator)
          Generates the expression which gets called when a total is complete.
 Expression implementStart(Implementor implementor, Rel rel, int[] args)
          Generates the expression which gets called when a new total is created.
Methods inherited from class saffron.BuiltinAggregation
count, count, count, count, create, implementMerge, implementStartAndNext, lookup, max, max, max, min, min, min, sum, sum
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private OJClass type
Constructor Detail


BuiltinAggregation.Sum(OJClass type)
Method Detail


String getName()
Specified by:
getName in class BuiltinAggregation


public boolean canMerge()
Description copied from interface: Aggregation
Whether this aggregation can merge together two accumulators. count can (you just add the accumulators); avg and Nth cannot.

Specified by:
canMerge in interface Aggregation
canMerge in class BuiltinAggregation


public OJClass getReturnType()


public OJClass[] getStartParameterTypes()


public OJClass[] getParameterTypes()


public Expression implementStart(Implementor implementor,
                                 Rel rel,
                                 int[] args)
Description copied from interface: Aggregation
Generates the expression which gets called when a new total is created. For sum(x), this looks like new saffron.runtime.Holder.int_Holder(0).


public void implementNext(Implementor implementor,
                          Rel rel,
                          Expression accumulator,
                          int[] args)
Description copied from interface: Aggregation
Generates (into the current statement list, gleaned by calling implementor's Implementor.getStatementList() method) the piece of code which gets called each time an extra row is seen. For sum(x), this looks like ((saffron.runtime.Holder.int_Holder) accumulator).value += x.

implementor - a callback object which knows how to generate things
rel - the relational expression which is generating this code
accumulator - the expression which holds the total
args - the ordinals of the fields of the child row which are arguments to this aggregation


public Expression implementResult(Expression accumulator)
Description copied from interface: Aggregation
Generates the expression which gets called when a total is complete. For sum(x), this looks like ((saffron.runtime.Holder.int_Holder) accumulator).value.
