Interface Summary | |
Environment.VariableInfo | |
OJMember | The class OJMember is equivalent to Member |
Class Summary | |
ClassEnvironment | |
ClosedEnvironment | An environment whose symbols come from local Java variable, method and class declarations. |
Environment | |
Environment.BasicVariableInfo | |
FileEnvironment | An environment based upon a Java source file. |
GlobalEnvironment | |
Metaclass | The class Metaclass is a metametaclass for metaclasses. |
MetaInfo | OpenJava metadata about a class. |
OJClass | The OJClass class represents a class metaobject. |
OJClassArray | |
OJClassByteCode | |
OJClassImp | The abstract class OJClassImp provides an interface to
an implementation of OJClass. |
OJClassNull | |
OJClassSourceCode | |
OJConstructor | |
OJConstructorByteCode | |
OJConstructorImp | The abstract class OJConstructorImp provides an interface to
an implementation of OJConstructor. |
OJConstructorSourceCode | |
OJField | |
OJFieldByteCode | |
OJFieldImp | The abstract class OJFieldImp provides an interface to
an implementation of OJField. |
OJFieldSourceCode | |
OJMethod | |
OJMethodByteCode | |
OJMethodImp | The abstract class OJMethodImp provides an interface to
an implementation of OJMethod. |
OJMethodSourceCode | |
OJModifier | The class OJModifier extends
java.lang.relfect.Modifier to support user defined
keywords. |
OJPrimitive | Deprecated. Replaced by OJSystem |
OJSystem | OJSystem is the system environment: the analog of System in an OpenJava system. |
QueryEnvironment | QueryEnvironment is the environment seen inside a QueryExpression . |
Signature | The class Signature represents a signature of members of
class; innerclass, field, method, or constructor. |
Toolbox | The class Toolbox is a utility class. |
Exception Summary | |
AmbiguousClassesException | The exception AmbiguousClassesException is thrown if the
additional OJClass object has the same name with another
OJClass object's. |
CannotAlterException | CannotAlterException is thrown if the requested change cannot be performed on the class object, the method object, or the field object. |
CannotExecuteException | CannotExecuteException is thrown if the requested introspection cannot be performed on the class object, the method object, or the field object, which needs a java's Class object not available. |
CannotInspectException | The exception CannotInspectException is thrown if the
requested introspection cannot be performed on the class object,
the method object, or the field object. |
MOPException | MOPException is thrown if the requested introspection or intercession cannot be performed on the class, field, method or constructor object. |
NoSuchMemberException | The exception NoSuchMemberException is thrown
when the requested class object does not have the coressponding
member. |
OJClassNotFoundException | The exception OJClassNotFoundException is thrown
when an application tries to load in a class through its
string name using forName method in class OJClass, but no
definition for the class with the specifed name could be found. |
Toolbox.StopIterationException | A StopIterationException is a way to tell a ParseTreeVisitor to halt traversal of the tree, but
is not regarded as an error. |