Class ClassSchema

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ClassSchema
extends Object
implements SaffronSchema

A ClassSchema is a schema whose tables are reflections of the the public fields of a given class.

Field Summary
private  Class clazz
private  boolean ignoreCase
Constructor Summary
ClassSchema(Class clazz, boolean ignoreCase)
Method Summary
private  Field findField(String name)
 SaffronTable getTableForMember(String[] names)
          Retrieves a SaffronTable based upon a member access.
protected  Expression getTarget(Expression connectionExp)
          Given the expression which yields the current connection, returns an expression which yields the object which holds the schema data.
 SaffronTypeFactory getTypeFactory()
          Returns the type factory used to generate types for this schema.
 void registerRules(SaffronPlanner planner)
          Registers all of the rules supported by this schema.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final Class clazz


private final boolean ignoreCase
Constructor Detail


public ClassSchema(Class clazz,
                   boolean ignoreCase)
Method Detail


public SaffronTable getTableForMember(String[] names)
Description copied from interface: SaffronSchema
Retrieves a SaffronTable based upon a member access.

For example, the Saffron expression salesSchema.emps would be resolved using a call to salesSchema.getTableForMember(new String[]{"emps"}).

Note that name.length is only greater than 1 for queries originating from JDBC.

Specified by:
getTableForMember in interface SaffronSchema


public SaffronTypeFactory getTypeFactory()
Description copied from interface: SaffronSchema
Returns the type factory used to generate types for this schema.

Specified by:
getTypeFactory in interface SaffronSchema


public void registerRules(SaffronPlanner planner)
                   throws Exception
Description copied from interface: SaffronSchema
Registers all of the rules supported by this schema. Only called by SaffronPlanner.registerSchema(net.sf.saffron.core.SaffronSchema).

Specified by:
registerRules in interface SaffronSchema


protected Expression getTarget(Expression connectionExp)
Given the expression which yields the current connection, returns an expression which yields the object which holds the schema data.

By default, returns the connection expression. So if the connection expression is Variable("connection"), it will return the same variable, and the planner will expect to be able to cast this value to the required class and find a field for each 'table' in the schema.


private Field findField(String name)
